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Forward head posture


One of the causes of biomechanical stress changes around the cervical spine that can result in neck pain, headaches, temporomandibular issues, and muscular dysfunctions is forward head posture. This posture involves both an extension in the upper cervical region and a flexion in the lower cervical region, which can lead to the weakening and lengthening of the anterior cervical muscles and the shortening of the posterior region. In neck pain patients, the prevalence of anterior head translation was found to be 58% in females and 42% in males.

The current evidence for the rehabilitative interventions suggests a multimodal physiotherapy intervention that focuses on exercise strengthening, including a variety of methods such as mobilizing, stretching, isometric/static or dynamic, endurance training, direction-movement control, and proprioceptive exercises. Hence comprehensive multi-system assessment and intervention will be effective in pain and movement dysfunction. Integrated viscera musculoskeletal assessment and visceral manipulation is one of the effective tools in the rehabilitation strategies. The clinical significance of visceral manipulation stands high in the treatment of the commonest postural dysfunction like the forward head posture in daily clinical practice.

The research indicates that utilizing osteopathic visceral technique for GERD leads to enhancements in GERD symptomatology, C4 spinous process pressure pain threshold, and cervical mobility.

At Pure Wellness: we provide the full package on check and adjust the spine mis-alignment, release the musculoskeletal related tension and the GRED related visceral tension. Stop the the head forward posture and the neck pain from here.

Pure Wellness, Calgary, Canada


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