Do you know that Organs are meant to move, expand, and empty. Sometimes they are unable to expand fully because of fibrotic attachments, endometrial adhesions, tissue changes or scarring from surgery. Organs can be unstable in their positions because it of weakened or torn muscles and ligaments, problems such as prolapse, perineal pressure, pelvic heaviness, constipation, and urinary retention. Therefore our clients may present with symptoms of pressure, pain, constipation, urinary frequency, dyspareunia, urethral syndrome.
Do you know : In weight-bearing posture, gravitational pressure gradually increases on the pelvic. As these pressures increase, the weight of pelvic organs should be directed toward the bony hard frame and not into the pelvic floor. The urogenital tissue can be among the most stressed in the body due to the effects of the lumbosacral dysfunction, intestinal problems, lower limb restrictions, emotional holding patterns and for females, pregnancy, delivery and menstruation.
The Cause of Pelvic Visceral Restrictions
· Increased intrapelvic pressure
· Weakness in pelvic floor muscles
· Weakness in sphincter tone
· Loss of horizontal vector
· Difficult or fast delivers
· Episiotomies
· Visceral dysfunction
· Gender affirming surgery.
· Post-operative adhesions, scars: hypertonus
· Infections, inflammations, diseases
· Ligament laxity or prolapse.
· Chronic bronchitis, asthma, COPD
· Head injuries
· Coccyx dysfunction
· Increase abdominal/Thoracic pressure.
· Neurological conditions: incoordination
· Sexual Assault
· Ectopic pregnancy
· Miscarriage/Abortion.
Therefore a fine balance of mobility and stability of the structures that maintains that maintains pelvic health. Come to see us if you has the symptoms above. We will do the best to give you a good result.