1: Body awareness: You feel out of alignment, for example standing or walking or running has some restrictions or limitations. Feeling stiffness or getting older. Or you are thinking how I can get better and where to start?
2: lifestyle shifting—If you feel you have been sitting too long and eat too much junk food recently.
3: Breath difficulty- check your collarbone if one of them is higher than others and collarbone should be horizontal. If one of them is about 30-45 degrees when standing. Sometimes inner collarbone head is higher than others. Check your shoulder level, sometimes one shoulder is higher than another and head is not in the center. Do you have respiratory issues such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, sleep apnea and occupational lung diseases ?
4: Blood pressure testing—a difference of 10-15 mmHg or more between the two arms indicates a need for vascular assessment. “A 10 mmHg or greater difference in the systolic BP between both sides was shown to correlate with diabetes risk, arterial stiffness and cardiovascular disease.” (Recent research supports Barral’s institution findings and study) (Physiological clinical application of Visceral Manipulation by Ron Mariotti, ND, BI-D)
5: Spinal fixation or restriction—If there is a spinal fixation or restriction, the epidermis and dermis covering the spine will become thickened. If there is a tension in a particular vertebral segment when massage therapist massages your back and getting better after massage but come back again in a week or two.
6: Abnormal sensation –
Ticklish--Being tickled stimulates your hypothalamus, the area of the brain in charge of your emotional reactions, and your fight or flight and pain responses. When you’re tickled, you may be laughing not because you’re having fun, but because you’re having an autonomic emotional response. In fact, the body movements of someone being tickled often mimic those of someone in severe pain. Older research shows both pain and touch nerve receptors are triggered during tickling.
Shooting, stabbing or burning sensation is Nerve pain (neuralgia) caused by damage or injury either to the nerves that send messages to your brain to signal pain, or to the brain itself.
7: Growing Pain—Do you know growing pains can wake a child from sleep? It is often described as an ache or throb in the legs — often in the front of the thighs, the calves or behind the knees. Growing pains tend to affect both legs and occur at night.
8: For infant—
Torticollis: Lopsided head and twisting at the neck are intertwined in the birth process, and result from the complex overlay of multiple vectors of a normal birth process. Add minor pregnancy complications and false contraction or include a prolonged labor over 18 hours or one that ultimately ends up in a C-section. Our goal is to free up enough tensions so that baby can have freedom and symmetric range of motion in the head and neck.
Reflux and split ups: 30% of newborns have reflux and most newborns will have some degree of spit ups. Reflux is an uncomfortable problem as the tissue in the esophagus is burned by the acid. And all reflux babies arch.
Fussy screaming infant? It is estimated that 1 in 5 infants have colic. The louder the scram, the more the severe is the headache. LeTrinh Hoang,D.O. said that:”
The screaming infant is feeling tension from head to toe as its body tries to expand and elongate its from. The resistance from the vectors of birth strain can manifest as pain.”
A week without a bowel movement? That can put mom into the high stress mode. And physician checked with no concerned. “A poopy baby is a happy baby.” 10% of children have constipation.
8: Digestive issues –check with Visceral Manipulation Treatment
1: Undigested food appearing in the stool is an indication that food is moving too quickly through the stomach. The cause of this may be dyssynergy between the pyloric sphincter and the pyloric antrum. (Physiological clinical application of Visceral Manipulation by Ron Mariotti, ND, BI-D)
2: Are you suffering from digestive issues that surface when you are experiencing fear or anxiety?
3: GERD, or Extreme fatigue, lethargy, frequent feelings of dizziness and fainting, chromic headache, breathlessness, pale skin and mucosal surface of the moth and eyelids